Want to study Japanese? Don’t know where to start? We will guide you.
This blog contains study materials, guides on learning Japanese, and my personal experiences in learning Japanese. If you don’t know how to get started, I can help.

日本語学習の案内 (Japanese Study Guides)
日本のメディアに没頭することだけで日本語を習える? (Can you learn Japanese only by immersing yourself in Japanese media?)
There are people out there, namely Matt vs. Japan and That Japanese Man Yuta says that textbooks like Genki an …
日本語を勉強するために、DuoLingoを使うべきではない。(You should not use Duolingo in order to Study Japanese)
When people decide to learn Japanese, the perspective learner may not know where to start. In most cases, they …
個人の経験 (Personal Experiences)
やった!ワニカニで半分終わった。従来、私の感想だ。(I did it! I’m half way done with WaniKani. So far, my impressions.)
やっと、ワニカニでレベル31になったばかりだ。半分だよ。日本語は上手になったり、12月2023年にJ L P T N2を受験したりするために、12月2021年でワニカニを始めた。ワニカニを始めた前に、下手に漢字を覚えてい …
新しい綺麗な百合のブログへようこそ (Welcome to the New Kireina Yuri Blog)
The old Kireina Yuri blog and forums are now closed as nobody appears to be using it. I decided to shift the f …